We provide International Trade Advisory and Consultancy for start-ups or companies already inserted in the International Market, we guarantee tailor-made solutions for each business. We aim to facilitate the internationalization process of your company, both in import and export, with a team specialized in International Trade.
Importation is when a company or individual purchases products or services from other countries, either for their own consumption or for commercial purposes. The process requires nationalization in the country of entry, which must comply with specific customs and tax bureaucratic procedures.
The export of products is a process in which companies send the products produced to other countries, in order to expand their business, make their brand known worldwide, increase profits and win new customers around the world.
International trade advisory and consultancy is a type of service that aims to diagnose the viability of the company to import and / or export and provide guidance on the structure of the operational procedures necessary for a successful international presence.
Foreign Trade Company
Does your company import or export? If not, wouldn't it be time to take advantage of the many advantages of the international market? If your company has already started in the international market, could an advisory and consulting firm that works exclusively with international trade contribute to improve the results of your international strategies?
Did you know that a professional consultancy can boost your business, reducing costs, increasing revenues and profit margins, besides, of course, ensuring that the whole process is carried out in a correct way, complying with the legislation that governs the matter in Brazil and in the other countries involved?
Check here how it works, what are the advantages and how much a international trade advisory and consultancy costs.
Having a solid international presence is one of the major objectives of most companies. However, even if the entrepreneur has the necessary capital to start the process, it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the legislation dealing with the subject, the particularities of different cultures, the operational procedures involved, etc. Carrying out an import or export requires many specific details and procedures, and if they are not all observed, the entrepreneur may end up having losses and disastrous experiences with international trade, since small flaws can lead to fines and unnecessary costs.
Fortunately, there are companies that are exclusively dedicated to International Trade and make the process of business internationalization much more effective, solid, safe and profitable.

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International trade consultancy is a type of service that aims to diagnose the viability of the company to import and/or export and to guide the structure of operational procedures necessary for a successful international presence. The service is customized according to the particularities and specific needs of each company.
A specialized consulting service allows the company to update itself on the legislation that must be obeyed, make market and logistic studies, economic feasibility analysis, among others.
With a international trade consultancy the company is able to make an accurate survey of the cost of imports and exports, without unexpected cost surprises in the middle of the way, a very common situation for beginners in international trade.
Initially, the professional or team of international trade consulting professionals carries out a data collection with the company to study its feasibility of insertion in the international market. It is confirmed that it is time to make a planning to define strategies and action plans regarding imports or exports.
The professional or team in charge will provide important information and details about the export and import processes, involving the documentation and laws to be attended, bureaucratic procedures, specific administrative treatments, tariff or non-tariff barriers, different import and export modalities, international payment modalities, tax study, import and export cost formation, international logistics, among others.
Both companies that wish to start in the international market and companies that already perform import and export activities can benefit from the specialized services of an international trade consultancy.
Hiring an international trade consultancy is an intelligent investment that reduces costs and increases revenue. When hiring an international trade consultancy, the main benefits are:
Experienced and trained professionals in different areas of international trade.
Effective and optimized planning to carry out export and import operations.
Knowledge of customs legislation.
Optimal operational flow definition.
Mastery of the services required for import and export processes.
Reduction of operational costs.
Support in international commercial transactions.
Constant tax study in order to take advantage of changes in legislation that reduce tax burdens.
Intervention in stages that need to be improved.
An outside view on best practices to increase results.
Multidisciplinary professionals fluent in several languages.
Effective response to legal requirements.
Full-time assistance.
Analysis and evaluation of business performance.
Commercial proximity to different markets.
Among others.
Both companies that wish to start in the international market and companies that already perform import and export activities can benefit from the specialized services of an international trade consultancy.
The laws governing international trade are many, complex and undergo constant changes. Experienced professionals, who are exclusively dedicated to international trade, follow these changes in real time and anticipate possible necessary changes in the processes.
In addition, acting holistically our consultants identify points of improvement that optimize the flow and increase revenue.
For entrepreneurs who wish to establish relationships with international trade, there are import and export options, which can be performed as long as they meet the criteria required by law, according to the Brazilian Ministry of International Relations.
Export is a process that aims to sell products produced domestically to other countries.
Importation, on the other hand, is a process that takes place when a purchase is made from another country.
That is, in international trade, the exporter is the one who sells to another country and the importer is the one who buys from another country. However, there are different methods of export and import, which can be presented to your company in a consultancy or advice service.
The biggest question for those who wish to hire the service to start international trade relations is how much the import advice and consultancy costs. However, the amount depends on the type of operation and service your company needs.
If it is just a consultancy, the professional will analyse your company's structure, points to be improved, guide you on the policies to be followed, documentation and other details about the process, informing you everything that needs to be done to start the business.
In the case of consultancy, in addition to providing the consultancy, you will have a full-time follow- up during the period determined by contract, in which the team or professional hired will be responsible, together with the administrative and legal part of your company to perform the international commercial service.
For this reason, the values of the import and export advice and consultancy may vary. In this case, a simple consultancy is between R$ 2 thousand and R$ 5 thousand. However, in complex cases, the advisory fees may reach R$ 50 thousand. The fees for international trade consultancy and advisory services vary according to the type of product to be imported or exported, quantities, number of items, tariff and non-tariff barriers, special procedures, among others.
These fees include import and export cost simulation, market macroeconomic study, among others.
For more information, just contact the company or international trade advisory and consulting professional, who will make a complete analysis and provide all information about the scope of the service and fee.